Marlon Solomon
3 min readDec 8, 2019


Hi Shaun, thanks for being so polite to Sara whilst you go through your tired excuses for clear and blatant antisemitism that is so apparent to nearly every other Jew who sees them.

I’m not going to respond to them because Sara’s arguments are so thorough that only an egregious antisemitism denier, or worse, would bother to try which of course you are, it is in fact that which you “care deeply” about, in Uruguay, worrying for all us British Jews who’s lives have been deeply affected by the antisemitic filth that has come into the mainstream since Corbyn took over the Labour Party. It’s a wonder where we’d be if we didn’t have you looking out for us.

I’d rather look at your own conduct. Just a couple of things spring to mind, lots more but y’know, I’m not going to do a 45 minute read, I’m not that weird.

Firstly, your harassment of Luciana Berger and the part you played in hounding a Jewish female MP out of the Labour Party. An example of which is documented here but I’ll explain anyway.

You exploited the tragic, horrific case of Stephen Smith, a dying man whose benefits were cut and literally wasted away, to use against a Jewish women because she was vocal about the antisemitism that she had clearly been a victim of.

Tweeting her many times, in an attempt to minimise the antisemitism she was suffering and painting her out as a liar, wasn’t enough for you, no, she wouldn’t shut up, she was defiant, so you stooped to accusing her of taking a “a disgracefully long time to do anything about” the case of Stephen Smith.

Effectively implicating Luciana Berger in the tragic death of this man.

You tweeted this to 10,000’s of people.

And obviously she was forced to respond due to her TL being, as usual, filled with hateful, racist and misogynistic abuse from the cranks who follow you. But worse than that, it was now about her being responsible for state-sponsored murder, which she was absolutely innocent of, as you probably knew anyway.

Luciana duly informed you that there had been no delay. That she could only raise things in the chamber with constituents express consent.

Hannah Miller of ITV, who covered the story, tweeted that the “the organisation who helped Stephen with his appeal were very complimentary of the work his appeal were very complimentary of the work local MP @lucianaberger has done on this case — Twitter might believe otherwise, but I heard it from Terry himself.”

Terry being Stephen Smith’s doctor and Twitter not believing otherwise because of unscrupulous individuals like yourself who will stop at nothing to discredit Jews who complain about antisemitism in Labour. Even if it means wrongly implicating them in someone’s death.

But of course you doubled down, you knew better than Stephen’s Smith’s doctor and obviously you had to paint Luciana out as a liar, it’s your job, so you carried on, rather feebly it has to be said, and because you knew it was a dead end you switched to what it is really about. Antisemitism. “you’ve openly indulged a media narrative that the left is the cause of the horrific abuse you’ve suffered”.

What kind of person hates Jews who complain about antisemitism that much that they’ll wrongly implicate them in the death of someone, causing them huge distress, then refuse to back down when exposed?

I’ll hazard a guess, a bottom-feeding grifter who has latched on to a cause from a far-away plane and exploited it for followers that he can milk for all sorts of things and has no care for the consequences of the trail of destruction he leaves behind.

But people keep the receipts Shaun.

People see how many antisemites you interact with who purport to support Corbyn and then see you pretending you don’t know what you’re doing. Like full blown antisemites. People showing you the extreme antisemitism of the people you interact with, and support on Twitter, which you ignore, or feign concern because you “care deeply” about this issue ,and then carry on cheerleading for them whilst denying the problem that you are a huge part of.

People keep the receipts Shaun.

So then you have the nerve to pull the same shtick — but super polite of course — on Sara’s brilliant piece. Don’t bother, the accounts show exactly who and what you are. Go try it on someone else.

All the best and thank you for taking the time to reply to Sara.




Marlon Solomon
Marlon Solomon

Written by Marlon Solomon

Actor, drummer and very occasional blogger. Usually chuntering on about antisemitism.

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